【白猫】正月2024 Gacha「110連 + 19属性 Ticket」

【白猫】正月2024 Gacha「110連 + 19属性 Ticket」

Just my usual yearly gacha record, now saved till 110x plus 19 attribute gacha tickets.
I want Sierra, because I don’t have any good hit attribute since anniversary Judah, but failed again, this account is cursed.
But at least I got 3 new. Helmort also so memeable, lol
Attribute gacha this time I got lot of star runes.
I want to save 5000 jewel for anniversary, hope I can do it -_-

I’ve seen the newest Osenyan, the new battle system remake looks good, but a lot of character will be balanced maybe. I hope I can use old character again, like in the new coop which we can use the old character without worry because it deals max skill damage in the special stage.

it’s 19 tickets, not 24 , I forgot, lmaooo

対応OS:Androidバージョン4.4以降、iOS 10.0以降

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白猫プロジェクト Extended BGM

【2014-Present】(main Playlist) EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

*this is a big playlist, use the yearly playlist to find BGM easier.

【2024】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2023】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2022】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2021】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2020】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2019】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2014-2018】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

There may be a missing year on the playlist description above. You can check my main channel for updated 白猫プロジェクトBGM playlist, because I can’t update the description yearly.

Other Extended BGM (Games/Music/Anime) check my playlist 🙂


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