白猫プロジェクト BGM ~ CloseSky Destruction BGM 5 [EXTENDED]

白猫プロジェクト BGM ~ CloseSky Destruction BGM 5 [EXTENDED]

CloseSky Destruction BGM 5 extended to 20+ minutes

This is one of the BGM from CloseSky Destruction event

The last BGM from the event, it’s a sad piano theme. Something sad must be happening on the event ! Sometimes I wish shironeko has super dark stories, but it might not be happening.

Anyways, That’s all for this event. I got JIN surprisingly ! my 250 jewels is not wasted ! and I kinda like his cool design too this time.
Like usual, This account has been blessed with many male rather than female character, lol.
Sadly I dont have Saya 10th anniversary ver, otherwise, this brother and sister still a complete collection in my account.

対応OS:Androidバージョン4.4以降、iOS 10.0以降

Download the game at :

白猫プロジェクト Youtube Official :

白猫プロジェクト Extended BGM

【2014-Present】(main Playlist) EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

*this is a big playlist, use the yearly playlist to find BGM easier.

【2024】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2023】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2022】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2021】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2020】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2019】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

【2014-2018】EXTENDED – 白猫プロジェクト BGM:

There may be a missing year on the playlist description above. You can check my main channel for updated 白猫プロジェクトBGM playlist, because I can’t update the description yearly.

Other Extended BGM (Games/Music/Anime) check my playlist 🙂


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